News Archives – Queer Destinations Experience the world as you are Tue, 28 Jan 2025 16:50:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News Archives – Queer Destinations 32 32 Queer Destinations Lidera el proyecto ‘España LGTBI’ para Posicionar a España como Referente Global en Turismo Inclusivo Tue, 28 Jan 2025 16:40:15 +0000   Madrid, 23 de enero de 2025 – En el marco de la Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR), se ha...

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Madrid, 23 de enero de 2025 – En el marco de la Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR), se ha presentado oficialmente el proyecto “España LGTBI” al Ministro de Industria y Turismo del Gobierno de España, Jordi Hereu Boher. Una innovadora iniciativa financiada por los fondos Next Generation de Europa que posiciona a España como un referente global en turismo inclusivo. La iniciativa representa una parte clave de la primera estrategia turística LGTBI en España y forma parte del Plan de Modernización y Sostenibilidad del Turismo del país. El proyecto está liderado por Queer Destinations, empresa referente a nivel internacional en la creación de espacios seguros, libres e inclusivos para la comunidad LGTBI que con su metodología avalada por la Comisión Europea, lidera la estrategia nacional de potencias turísticas como España, Grecia o México. Asimismo, este proyecto es el resultado de la colaboración entre destacados actores del sector turístico y LGTBI, incluyendo Basquetour (Agencia Vasca de Turismo), ACOGAT (Asociación de Comerciantes Gays de Torremolinos), Respira Comunicación, Shangay y Axel Hotels.


Una Guía para el futuro del turismo inclusivo

En un contexto global marcado por un creciente retroceso en los derechos de la comunidad LGTBI, España es percibida como un oasis en el que los derechos LGTBI son un pilar fundamental. Este segmento del mercado cuenta con un impacto de 3.7 trillones de dólares de capacidad de gasto anual representan un segmento clave para el aumento del gasto y estancia promedio, la lucha contra la estacionalidad y la diversificación hacia nuevos destinos.

El proyecto “España LGTBI” surge como respuesta a esta creciente demanda de experiencias seguras, inclusivas y personalizadas para la comunidad LGTBI. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo satisfacer las necesidades específicas de este segmento, y promover destinos que celebren la diversidad y fomenten el respeto, posicionando a España como un destino turístico inclusivo y sostenible.


Pilares fundamentales

El proyecto fusiona tecnología y formación para ofrecer un enfoque integral, centrado en la sensibilización mediante una plataforma online. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar la concienciación necesaria a los prestadores de servicios turísticos que reciben a este segmento, ayudándoles a ofrecer la mejor bienvenida posible a la comunidad LGTBI. Además, incluye una plataforma web donde tanto los visitantes como los residentes podrán explorar España y descubrir las empresas que apoyan y promueven la diversidad.

Con una historia marcada por avances en derechos LGTBI, como la legalización del matrimonio igualitario en 2005, España es reconocida mundialmente por su riqueza cultural y su compromiso con la diversidad. Sin embargo, el sector turístico tiene un gran potencial para fortalecer su oferta inclusiva, atrayendo a un mercado cuyo gasto global supera los miles de millones de euros anuales.


Hacia un turismo más diverso y sostenible

El proyecto estará dotado de más de 700.000€ de los fondos Next Generation EU, y sensibilizará a profesionales de turismo y empresas del sector en diferentes regiones de España. El objetivo: no solo generar un impacto económico positivo, sino también contribuir al desarrollo de un turismo respetuoso y consciente. Este proyecto supone un cambio histórico en la manera en que las personas del colectivo eligen experiencias turísticas, estableciendo un estándar que garantizará su seguridad y bienestar al seleccionar una empresa o destino turístico dentro de España. 

En un contexto desafiante, el proyecto “España LGTBI” es un paso crucial hacia un turismo más inclusivo y seguro, el cual también posicionará a las marcas, empresas y destinos turísticos de España como referentes en la oferta de experiencias LGTBI.



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From Vision to Reality: Oriol Pàmies on Primavera Sound, the First QDC Festival Mon, 03 Jun 2024 19:19:21 +0000 The World’s First Queer Destinations Committed Festival Sets a New Standard for Diversity and Inclusion Along with Oriol Pàmies, the...

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The World’s First Queer Destinations Committed Festival Sets a New Standard for Diversity and Inclusion

Along with Oriol Pàmies, the founder of Queer Destinations, we experienced a monumental achievement as Primavera Sound Barcelona became the world’s first Queer Destinations Committed festival. Over several days, Pàmies joined attendees in enjoying a stellar musical lineup and fantastic stages, all within a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive atmosphere championed by Queer Destinations. This historic event exemplifies Queer Destinations’ vision and the strong partnership with Primavera Sound, reinforcing the importance of creating safe and supportive environments for the LGBTQ+ community.

The festival may stand as one of the most inclusive events ever experienced. Upon entering the festival grounds, attendees were greeted by a prominent sign declaring: “Primavera Sound Barcelona, THE FIRST FESTIVAL COMMITTED TO DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION.” This powerful message, brought to life by Queer Destinations, promised an unforgettable experience for all attendees.

Oriol Pàmies at the festival's entrance
Bar signs with QR code

Furthermore, in all bars throughout the festival, attendees encountered signs with a similar message alongside a QR code. By scanning this code, attendees could provide feedback on their experiences concerning diversity, inclusion, safety, and more. These QR codes were also strategically placed around the festival grounds to ensure easy access for attendees to offer their insights and help shape future events.

As Oriol pointed out different aspects of Queer Destinations’ presence, it was clear that inclusive messages directed at both the LGBTQ+ community and its allies were having a profound impact. These messages were prominently featured on the large screens at the festival stages, creating a harmonious blend with performances from numerous artists, many of whom are actually part of the queer community.

During a moment of reflection, Oriol shared his thoughts on witnessing the groundbreaking achievement of Primavera Sound as the world’s first Queer Destinations Committed festival. His insights revealed the depth of his commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion in all spaces. Here, we share highlights from our chat with Oriol, whose vision made this historic festival possible.

Attendees at Primavera Sound Barcelona

In Conversation with Oriol: The Vision Behind a Historic Festival


What goals does this initiative aim to achieve for the LGBTQ+ community worldwide?

This initiative was born out of my desire to create safe and inclusive spaces for the LGBTQ+ community worldwide. Through Queer Destinations, we aim to foster environments where every individual feels accepted, valued, and free to express their authentic self without fear or hesitation. My journey as an advocate for inclusion and equality has driven me to build this global network, ensuring that members of our community can find welcoming spaces wherever they go.


What does it mean to be a Queer Destinations Committed festival?

To be recognized as a Queer Destinations Committed festival means committing to the creation of experiences where individuals can truly be themselves. Often, nightlife and music festivals are places where people, particularly those from the LGBTQ+ community, can feel exposed and vulnerable. Our goal is to transform these settings into safe havens. At a Queer Destinations Committed festival, you can be confident that everyone you interact with has undergone thorough training to promote safety and inclusion. It’s about ensuring zero tolerance for discrimination and fostering an environment where freedom of expression is celebrated.


Why is it important to be visibly and publicly committed to the community?

Visibility and public commitment are vital because mere claims of inclusivity are not enough. Many organizations profess to be open and welcoming, but taking decisive, visible actions to create safe spaces sets a higher standard. For the LGBTQ+ community, it’s crucial to feel genuinely accepted and represented. Public commitment sends a powerful message that these spaces are not just inclusive in words but in practice. We want to visit places where we know we are not just tolerated but embraced, where our identity is respected, and where we can feel at home.


Is Primavera Sound Barcelona the first Queer Destinations Committed festival in the world?

Yes, Primavera Sound Barcelona holds the distinction of being the world’s first Queer Destinations Committed festival. As a pioneer in the music festival landscape, it set a precedent that has now inspired numerous other festivals and nightlife venues globally to adopt this commitment. It fills me with pride that this groundbreaking initiative started in my hometown, Barcelona, setting a benchmark for others to follow. The success of Primavera Sound as a Queer Destinations Committed festival underscores the importance of creating inclusive and safe spaces in the social sphere.


What message do you have for individuals attending the festival?

To everyone attending the festival, this is our time to embrace freedom and be our true, authentic selves. Queer Destinations is dedicated to creating environments where you can express who you are without fear or restraint. Together, we are working towards more inclusive and safer spaces, ensuring that each member of our community can thrive and feel a genuine sense of belonging. Enjoy the festival, and remember, you are in a space that celebrates you for who you are.


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Queer Destinations and Biosphere announce their strategic alliance to achieve sustainable and inclusive tourism Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:52:23 +0000 Edgar Weggelaar, CEO of Queer Destinations, Roberto Álvarez, CEO of Satour Tourism Consultancy and Delegate of Biosphere Andalucía, and Patricio...

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Edgar Weggelaar, CEO of Queer Destinations, Roberto Álvarez, CEO of Satour Tourism Consultancy and Delegate of Biosphere Andalucía, and Patricio Azcárate, CEO of Biosphere
  • Both entities will help facilitate the adoption of business practices that respect both the environment and human diversity.
  • The work of both teams will help businesses and tourist destinations to fulfill the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, offering a mutual benefit for the organizations involved and society as a whole.


In a significant push towards sustainability and inclusion in the tourism sector, Biosphere, the international reference in sustainability certification based on the structure of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets set by the United Nations, and its innovative global platform for identifying sustainable consumption alternatives, has announced its alliance with Queer Destinations, a prominent entity in LGBTQ+ tourism, recognized for its work in creating inclusive tourist spaces. Together, they are committed to promoting  and  facilitating  the  adoption  of  business  practices  that  respect  both  the environment and human diversity.

Coinciding  with  FITUR  in  Madrid,  the  two  organizations  have  highlighted their shared commitment to creating a more inclusive, fair, and sustainable tourism. Biosphere continues its work to integrate sustainability at the core of tourist destination activities, companies, and  consumers, relying on the 17 SDGs and their 169 targets. On the other side of this alliance, Queer Destinations, a leading company in the LGBTQ+ segment, whose distinction is  recognized  by  the  IGLTA  (International  LGBTQ+  Tourism  Association),  brings  its expertise in team training and talent, and the creation of safe and inclusive destinations that have  already  extended  to  countries  such as Spain, Mexico, the United States, Germany, Belgium, or the Netherlands. In this synergy, the participating entities will have a greater capacity to develop ethical and holistic business models.

This innovative agreement, sealed during one of the most prominent events in the global tourism industry in Madrid, aims to lay the groundwork for tangible transformation in the global tourism industry, positioning sustainability and LGBTQ+ inclusion as essential pillars of the industry.

After their meeting and agreement, which involved the participation of Patricio Azcárate (CEO of Biosphere) and Roberto Álvarez (CEO of Satour Tourism Consultancy and Delegate of Biosphere Andalucía), Edgar Weggelaar, CEO of Queer Destinations, commented: “We are ready  to  embark  on  this  transformative  journey  hand  in  hand  with  Biosphere.  This collaboration symbolizes a crucial advancement in our mission to create tourist experiences that  celebrate  diversity  and  promote  positive  environmental  impact.  Together,  we  will empower  businesses  to  authentically  commit  to diversity and continue to improve their sustainable practices, fostering a global community committed to respect and environmental conservation.”

In the words of Patricio Azcárate, CEO of Biosphere, “This alliance reinforces the power of collaboration   and  consensus  among  organizations  that  advocate  for  an  increasingly sustainable world. As a cornerstone of sustainability for any business model and destination, beyond environmental aspects, the inclusion, diversity, and equality of people are essential. Hand in hand with Queer Destinations, we achieve harmonizing the language of this great pillar  and  providing  our  large  community  with  the  most  inclusive methodology, always connected to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and targets.”

With  this  agreement,  the  aim  is  to  provide  companies  with  the  necessary  tools  and knowledge  to  implement  sustainability  and  diversity  and  inclusion  actions  thanks  to Biosphere’s certification and the ‘Queer Destinations Committed’ distinction, with which the company  positions  itself  as  the  bridge  that  connects  governments,  destinations,  and international companies with the LGBTQ+ community, a tourist segment that, according to sources from the World Tourism Organization, could account for up to 180 million annual tourists. A figure that could increase in a context where more and more people identify as part of the community, moving from 4% of the boomer generation to 16% of the Z generation according to Ipsos data in 2023.

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Queer Destinations consolida su presencia en Europa con su participación en Together for EU Tourism Tue, 19 Sep 2023 13:37:21 +0000 Oriol Pàmies y Edgar Weggelaar, Fundador y CEO de Queer Destinations El  evento,  organizado  por  la  Dirección  General  de  Mercado ...

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Oriol Pàmies y Edgar Weggelaar, Fundador y CEO de Queer Destinations
  • El  evento,  organizado  por  la  Dirección  General  de  Mercado  Interior, Industria, Emprendimiento  y  Pymes  de  la  Comisión  Europea,  trató  la implementación del plan Transition Pathway for Tourism.

  • Oriol Pamiès y Edgar Weggelaar, fundador y CEO de Queer Destinations, abordaron la importancia de la transición hacia un turismo más verde y más acorde a la era digital, pero también más inclusivo y respetuoso.

En la jornada del pasado lunes, Queer Destinations alcanzó un nuevo hito mediante su participación en Together for EU Tourism (Juntos por el turismo en la Unión Europea). El evento, celebrado en Bruselas, tuvo como objetivo la   co-implementación   del   Transition   Pathway   for   Tourism  (Camino  hacia  la transición   para   el   turismo),   y   reunió   a   diversos   actores,   institucionales   y empresariales, que aportaron sus ideas para lograr un turismo más ecológico y mejor adaptado a la era digital.

La reunión resultó ser una ocasión trascendental para Queer Destinations, que fue reconocida como un ejemplo de éxito y un modelo ejemplar en el campo del turismo inclusivo. La propia Comisión Europea propuso su participación con motivo de sus buenas  prácticas  y como ejemplo de cómo alcanzar los objetivos de una correcta transición  turística.  Oriol  Pamiès,  fundador, y Edgar Weggelaar, CEO, fueron los encargados   de   comunicar   al   resto   de   actores   presentes   la   metodología,   el funcionamiento  y  los  objetivos  de  la  empresa,  que  buscan  lograr  una  industria turística más respetuosa con todo tipo de viajero, empezando por el turista LGBTQ+.

Como  parte  de  la  jornada,  los  asistentes  pudieron  conocer  más  de  cerca  el funcionamiento   de   ‘Queer   Destinations   Committed’,   un   distintivo   reconocido internacionalmente por la IGLTA (Asociación Internacional del Turismo LGBTQ+), cuyo objetivo es ayudar a las empresas y destinos del sector turístico a formarse y prepararse  para  el  óptimo  recibimiento  al  viajero  LGBTQ+.  Este  proceso  de sensibilización   y   formación   se   produce   mediante   el   programa   educacional ‘Hospitality  Meets  Diversity’,  cuya  intención  es  ayudar  a  las  cadenas  de  valor turísticas a romper prejuicios y aprender más sobre la historia, realidades, hábitos de consumo y necesidades de la comunidad LGBTQ+.

Queer Destinations celebró haber sido seleccionado por la Comisión Europea para formar parte de una iniciativa que, en palabras de Weggelaar, “definirá el futuro de nuestra industria y supondrá una llamada al compromiso de actores turísticos, tanto públicos como privados, a llevar a cabo una serie de acciones concretas”. El equipo directivo manifestó su esperanza en que esta acción allane el camino hacia un trabajo real y efectivo en la Unión Europea para crear espacios seguros e inclusivos para la comunidad LGBTQ+.

La empresa continuará trabajando por promover la igualdad y la seguridad en las experiencias de viaje, y manifiesta públicamente su intención de liderar el camino hacia una industria turística más respetuosa e inclusiva.

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Queer Destinations consolidates its presence in Europe with its participation in Together for EU Tourism Tue, 19 Sep 2023 13:23:44 +0000 Oriol Pàmies and Edgar Weggelaar, founder and CEO of Queer Destinations The event, organized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal...

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Oriol Pàmies and Edgar Weggelaar, founder and CEO of Queer Destinations
  • The event, organized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship & SMEs (DG GROW), discussed the implementation of the Transition Pathway for Tourism plan.

  • Oriol Pamiès and Edgar Weggelaar, founder and CEO of Queer Destinations, addressed the importance of the green and digital transition of the tourism ecosystem, but also the need to make it more inclusive and respectful.


Last Monday, Queer Destinations reached a new milestone through its participation in Together for EU Tourism. The event, held in Brussels, had as its objective the co-implementation of the Transition Pathway for Tourism and brought together several actors,institutional and business,who contributed their ideas to achieve a more ecological and better adapted to the digital age tourism.

The meeting turned out to be a momentous occasion for Queer Destinations, which was recognized as an example of success and an exemplary model in the field of inclusive tourism. The European Commission itself proposed its participation due to its good practices and as an example of how to achieve the objectives of a correct tourism transition.  Oriol  Pamiès,  founder,  and  Edgar  Weggelaar,  CEO,  were in charge of communicating to the rest of the actors present the methodology and objectives of the company, which seeks to achieve a tourism industry that is more respectful of all types of travelers, starting with the LGBTQ+ tourist.

Attendees were able to learn more about  ‘Queer  Destinations  Committed’,  a distinctive internationally recognized by the IGLTA (International LGBTQ+ Travel Association), whose objective is to help companies and destinations in the tourism sector  to  train  and  prepare  for  the  optimal reception of LGBTQ+ travelers. This awareness and training process occurs through the educational program ‘Hospitality Meets Diversity’, whose intention is to help tourism value chains break prejudices and  learn more about the history, realities, consumption habits and needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

Queer Destinations celebrated having been selected by the European Commission to be part of an initiative that, in the words of Weggelaar, “will define the future of our industry and will call for the commitment of tourism actors, both public and private, to carry out a series of concrete actions”. The management team expressed its hope that this action will pave the way for real and effective work in the European Union to create safe and inclusive spaces for the LGBTQ+ community.

The  company  will  continue  to  work  to  promote  equality  and  safety  in  travel experiences,  and  publicly  expresses its intention to lead the way towards a more respectful and inclusive tourism industry.

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Recibe la CDMX distintivo otorgado por Queer Destinations Wed, 26 Jul 2023 09:47:46 +0000 Recibe la CDMX distintivo otorgado por Queer Destinations La capital se fortalece como destino turístico con oferta especializada para visitantes...

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Recibe la CDMX distintivo otorgado por Queer Destinations
  • La capital se fortalece como destino turístico con oferta especializada para visitantes LGBTQ+

  • Se trabaja en el diseño de una Estrategia Nacional de Turismo para este segmento

La capital mexicana se convirtió en la primera ciudad de América Latina en ser reconocida por su compromiso a favor del sector LGBTQ+, cuando este martes la Secretaria de Turismo de la CDMX, Nathalie Desplas Puel, recibió el distintivo Queer Destinations por el diseño y aplicación de políticas públicas, a favor de este segmento turístico. 

Durante la ceremonia celebrada en el hotel JW Marriott Mexico City, la Secretaria de Turismo del gobierno capitalino anunció que la empresa Turibus, la Asociación Mexicana de Viajes CDMX y la Asociación de Hoteles de la Ciudad de México han sido convocadas para invitar a sus agremiados  a contar con este distintivo. 

Al recibir la distinción de la mano de Edgar Weggelaar, CEO de la empresa Queer Destinations, la funcionaria del gobierno capitalino remarcó que la Ciudad de México, es la única ciudad latinoamericana en contar con este distintivo. Al respecto hizo notar la capacitación que están recibiendo todos los prestadores de servicios turísticos, del sector público y del privado para atender a este sector turístico. “La están cursando las alcaldías, los trabajadores de las agencias de viajes, de los hoteles. Y queremos que todos se certifiquen en lo mismo porque queremos seguir siendo una ciudad punta de lanza en todo lo que es derechos, seguridad y no solamente entendimiento: que se sienta que la Ciudad de México es una ciudad segura y que corresponde a muchos segmentos de turismo”, expresó. En ese sentido, dijo que es muy importante que el sector LGBTQ+ sea uno de los más cuidados justamente porque  ha sido históricamente uno de los más vulnerables. “Aquí estamos en Ciudad de México siempre con los brazos abiertos porque somos la Ciudad que lo tiene todo para todos, todas y todes”, subrayó.

Todo ello, dijo, en el marco de la esfera de derechos a favor de la igualdad, respeto y dignidad de las personas de la diversidad sexual y de género así como por su  trabajo para el posicionamiento de la ciudad como destino turístico para el viajero LGBTQ+. Hizo notar que en enero de este año, durante la Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR), que cada año se celebra en Madrid, España, la Secretaría de Turismo de la Ciudad de México y Queer Destinations  firmaron una carta de colaboración para refrendar el compromiso de la capital a favor de la diversidad y la inclusión, y garantizar servicios turísticos incluyentes y libres de discriminación.

En ese mismo mes, en seguimiento de dicho compromiso, se realizó el Seminario “Hospitality Meets Diversity”, plática de concientización y capacitación con temas LGBTQ+ en el que participaron actores estratégicos del sector, áreas de turismo de las alcaldías y servidores públicos de la Secretaría de Turismo de la Ciudad de México. Dentro de los logros y reconocimientos con los que se cuenta la Ciudad de México en materia de Turismo LGBTQ+, destaca  ser el “Mejor Destino Urbano 2022 y 2023”, para el turismo LGBTQ+ otorgado por la Unión Nacional de Empresarios Turísticos LGBTQ+, A.C, que recaudó más de 350 mil votos de viajeros y expertos LGBTQ+ a través de sus redes sociales. 

Por su parte, Queer Destinations es la empresa internacional especializada en la promoción del turismo LGBTQ+, y ha impartido programas de concientización a más de 15 mil empleados. También proporciona consultorías y estrategias de marketing, que funcionan como el puente que conecta a Gobiernos, destinos y empresas con viajeros Queer de todo el mundo y que trabajan en promover políticas responsables hacia las personas LGBTQ+. 

Todo ello, agregó, en línea con los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible marcados por Naciones Unidas en su agenda 2030 para reducir desigualdades. Y todas estas acciones se han realizado en ocho países del mundo y en los idiomas inglés, español, francés y portugués.  El objetivo, finalizó, es impulsar la competitividad de las empresas turísticas y promover cambios en la sociedad orientados a garantizar el respeto a los derechos de las personas en términos de accesibilidad, equidad, inclusión y diversidad.

En su turno, Julián Arroyo Corvera, presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Agencias de Viajes (AMAV) Ciudad de México, precisó que muchos de sus representados ya trabajan con el segmento LGBTQ+ y que hacen viajes por todo el mundo. “Hay cruceros y hoteles especializados, hay agencias especializadas. Así que desde nuestro nicho siempre contarán con este gran apoyo”. Además de los mencionados, en el acto estuvieron también Jaime Rubén Morales Beltrán, Director General de Diversidad Sexual y Derechos Humanos; Rainer Weinberg, Gerente General del Hotel W Mexico City y Ramón Diago, Gerente General del Hotel JW Marriott Mexico City.


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Primavera Sound will be the first festival to be awarded the Queer Destinations Committed distinction Fri, 21 Jul 2023 12:48:11 +0000 Edgar Weggelaar, CEO of QD, Alberto Guijarro Director de Sala Apolo, Oriol Pamies Founder & President of QD, Alfonso Lanza,...

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Edgar Weggelaar, CEO of QD, Alberto Guijarro Director de Sala Apolo, Oriol Pamies Founder & President of QD, Alfonso Lanza, Primavera Sound Director
  • Primavera Sound will become the first festival organiser globally to work towards this quality label for the LGBTQ+ segment.

  • The collaboration comes a week after the festival participated in Think Plus, the Think Tank of the LGTBIQ+ Chamber of Commerce of Catalonia, on new models of diverse tourism.


Primavera Sound and Queer Destinations have signed a collaboration agreement, within the framework of the celebration of LGBTI Pride in Barcelona, with the aim of becoming the first festival at a global level to obtain the Queer Destinations Committed distinction.

The ‘Queer Destinations Committed’ label is the internationally recognised standard that allows companies to show their commitment and welcome the LGBTQ+ segment in an optimal way. The seal has a presence in over 12 countries around the world and has as its main requirement a process of awareness and training for 100% of employees and collaborators using a digital educational programme called “Hospitality meets diversity”.

In the words of Queer Destinations, “Primavera Sound has been a pioneer in the defence of its values such as sustainability, gender parity and diversity with programmes such as Nobody is Normal,” which is why they wanted to recognise the work of the festival. With this alliance, they seek to go a step further by becoming an international standard for welcoming anyone. In Spain, an international agreement has been signed with the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, to promote this segment at a national and international level, a plan that will allow Primavera Sound to promote the essence of Barcelona around the world.

Alfonso Lanza, director of Primavera Sound, expressed his gratitude for this recognition that “highlights the commitment that the festival has had for years with its audience, in this case and especially with the LGTBI community”. The fact that labels such as Queer Destinations value Primavera Sound as an inclusive and diverse space is “an honour, as the festival is not in itself an event aimed exclusively at the community and therefore, we consider that the fact that companies and associations in the sector value us so positively has an added merit”.

Oriol Pàmies, founder of Queer Destinations, commented that “We celebrate the commitment to safety and excellence in the treatment of the LGBTI segment in the world of leisure, especially doing it hand in hand with a company that always defends its values”. At the recent editions of Primavera Sound Barcelona and Madrid, Queer Destinations carried out the first audit that will serves as a foundation for the development of the educational programme that will include all possible interactions of the festivalgoers with any staff of the festival’s organisation. The implementation of the programme will be carried out globally starting with the editions Porto, São Paulo, Bogotá and Asunción at the end of 2023.

This recognition comes a week after Primavera Sound participated in aother edition of Think Plus, the think tank of the Chamber of Commerce LGTBIQ+ of Catalonia. This was a special meeting in the calendar of the Chamber, as it took place within the framework of the celebration of Pride in Barcelona, and its central theme was the discussion on “New models of LGTBIQ+ tourism”.

In an increasingly diverse society, the collective finds new reasons to travel to other destinations such as music festivals, cultural or sporting events. The Chamber wanted to draw on the experience of Primavera Sound to answer questions about what kind of attractions a destination needs to have to attract the LGTBI community, highlighting once again the festival’s commitment to celebrating music, but also diversity and inclusion.

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Primavera Sound será el primer festival en obtener la distinción Queer Destinations Committed Fri, 21 Jul 2023 12:45:18 +0000 Edgar Weggelaar, CEO de QD, Alberto Guijarro Director de Sala Apolo, Oriol Pamies Fundador y Presidente de QD, Alfonso Lanza,...

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Edgar Weggelaar, CEO de QD, Alberto Guijarro Director de Sala Apolo, Oriol Pamies Fundador y Presidente de QD, Alfonso Lanza, director de Primavera Sound
  • Primavera Sound se convertirá en la primera organizadora de festivales a nivel global en trabajar para obtener este distintivo de calidad para el segmento LGBTQ+
  • El acuerdo llega una semana después que el festival participara en Think Plus, el Think Tank de la Cambra LGTBIQ+ de Catalunya, sobre nuevos modelos de turismo diverso

Primavera Sound y Queer Destinations han firmado un acuerdo de colaboración, en el marco de la celebración del Orgullo LGBTI en Barcelona, con el fin de convertirse en el primer festival a nivel global en obtener la distinción Queer Destinations Committed.

El distintivo ‘Queer Destinations Committed’ es la norma reconocida internacionalmente que permite a las empresas demostrar su compromiso y recibir al segmento LGBTQ+ de manera óptima. El sello tiene presencia en más de 12 países alrededor del mundo y cuenta como principal requisito un proceso de sensibilización y formación al 100% de trabajadores y colaboradores utilizando una programa educacional digital llamado “Hospitality meets diversity”.

En palabras de Queer Destinations, “Primavera Sound ha sido pionero en la defensa de sus valores como la sostenibilidad, la paridad de género o la diversidad con programas como Nobody is Normal,” motivo por el cual han querido reconocer el trabajo del festival. Con esta alianza, buscan dar un paso más allá convirtiéndose en un estándar internacional para poder dar la bienvenida a cualquier persona. En España se ha firmado se un convenio internacional con la ministra de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Reyes Maroto, para promover este segmento a nivel nacional e internacional, plan que con esta firma permitirá a Primavera Sound promover la esencia de Barcelona alrededor del mundo.

Alfonso Lanza, director de Primavera Sound, agradeció este reconocimiento que “pone en valor el compromiso que el festival tiene desde hace años con su público, en este caso y especialmente con el de la comunidad LGTBI”. El hecho de que distintivos como Queer Destinations valoren Primavera Sound como un espacio inclusivo y de diversidad supone “un honor, en tanto que el festival no es en sí un evento dirigido exclusivamente a la comunidad y por tanto, consideramos que empresas y asociaciones del sector nos valoren así de positivamente tiene un mérito añadido”.

Oriol Pàmies, fundador de Queer Destinations, comentó que “Celebramos el compromiso con la seguridad y la excelencia en el trato del segmento LGBTI en el mundo del ocio, especialmente haciéndolo de la mano de una empresa que siempre defiende sus valores ”. Queer Destinations ejecutó en las recientes ediciones de Primavera Sound Barcelona y Madrid la primera auditoría que sirve de base para el desarrollo del programa educacional que incluirá todas las posibles interacciones de los asistentes con cualquier personal de la organización del festival. La implementación del programa se realizará a nivel global iniciando con las ediciones Porto, São Paulo, Bogotá y Asunción a finales de 2023.

Este reconocimiento llega una semana después que Primavera Sound participara en una nueva edición de Think Plus, el think tank de la Cambra de Comerç LGTBIQ+ de  Catalunya. Este fue un encuentro especial en el calendario de la Cambra, en tanto que se dio a cabo en el marco de la celebración del Pride en Barcelona, y tuvo como eje central la discusión sobre “Nuevos modelos de turismo LGTBIQ+”.

En una sociedad cada vez más diversa, el colectivo encuentra nuevos motivos para viajar a otras destinaciones como pueden serlo festivales de música, eventos culturales o deportivos. La Cambra quiso contar con la experiencia de Primavera Sound para responder a preguntas sobre qué tipo de atractivos tiene que tener una destinación para atraer a la comunidad LGTBI, destacando de nuevo el compromiso del festival con la celebración de la música, pero también de la diversidad y de la inclusión.

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Mexico Travel Group will be a pioneer in obtaining the Queer Destinations Committed distinction in the country Tue, 20 Jun 2023 16:18:59 +0000   After the work to raise awareness in destinations such as Los Cabos or CDMX, Mexico is confirmed as a...

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  • After the work to raise awareness in destinations such as Los Cabos or CDMX, Mexico is confirmed as a benchmark for LGBTQ+ tourism with the commitment of MTG as the first Queer Destinations Committed holding company in the country.

  • The group will begin to train its teams for the correct attention to the LGBTQ+ segment, which could translate into up to 180 million travelers.


June 16, 2023. Mexico Travel Group will become the first tourist holding company in the country to start its journey to obtain the ‘Queer Destinations Committed’ distinction. With this, all companies belonging to the group will affirm their commitment to the LGBTQ+ community and the safety and comfort of queer travelers.

Queer Destinations Committed is an internationally recognized by IGLTA (International LGBTQ+ Tourism Association) distinction, whose objective is to help companies and destinations in the tourism sector to train and prepare for the optimal reception of LGBTQ+ travelers; a segment that, according to data from Out Now Consulting, could materialize in a market of up to 218 billion dollars a year, with, according to the World Tourism Organization, 180 million travelers. MTG will obtain the distinction once all the workers and collaborators of the holding have gone through a process of awareness and training through the educational program ‘Hospitality Meets Diversity’, which will help the teams to break prejudices and teach them about the history, realities, consumption habits and needs of the LGBTQ+ community.

With this, Mexico reaffirms its position as a leader and benchmark in tourism adapted to diversity after having worked with Queer Destinations in destinations such as Los Cabos or Mexico City. Now, with MTG and its various companies, the work for inclusion reaches the receptive tourism company, technological and experiential with a group that transports more than 400,000 tourists a year. Examples of these companies are Gray Line (with more than 100 years of experience in tourism activities and presence in Los Cabos and Puerto Vallarta) or Mexico Travel Solutions (with a team of more than 180 collaborators specialized in incoming tourism services in Cancun, Riviera Maya and Cozumel). Also noteworthy is the incursion of diversity work in the cruise sector, with which MTG works in the destinations of Puerto Vallarta and Los Cabos (two of the most important cruise destinations in Mexico). In 2022, Gray Line Puerto Vallarta served more than 6,000 cruise passengers.

Rodrigo Esponda, Managing director of Los Cabos Tourism Board, commented: “In Los Cabos, we value and welcome the LGBTQ+ traveler community. With 18% of our visitors identifying as LGBTQ+, we take pride in offering world class cultural, culinary, nature and adventure experiences, all supported by exceptional service. Our destination celebrates diversity and strives to create an inclusive environment where all travelers feel safe, included, respected and free to enjoy everything Los Cabos has to offer. We invite you to discover and create unforgettable memories”.

Edgar Weggelaar, CEO of Queer Destinations, highlighted the relevance of this collaboration, as it is “the first global firm that is committed to offering a safe space to the LGBTQ+ segment”: “MTG is a benchmark in terms of tours, activities and transfers , and this work to welcome the queer public will be aligned with the needs of the destinations, some of them, like Los Cabos, already distinguished as ‘Queer Destinations Committed’”.

Nuria Flores, Commercial and Marketing Director of MTG, commented: “We are proud to materialize this alliance at the corporate level with Queer Destinations. At Mexico Travel Group, we are excited to have a training and awareness program that helps us understand, celebrate and make the LGBTQ+ community feel welcome and included when traveling in Mexico, offering a value chain from start to finish with respect and as a safe space for the community”.

Queer Destinations is the leading company in the LGBTQ+ segment internationally and an affiliate member of IGLTA. Through educational awareness programs and specialized travel experience consultancies, Queer Destinations serves as the bridge that unites governments, destinations, and international companies with LGBTQ+ customers around the world. It currently has a presence in Mexico, Germany, Colombia, the United States, Panama, Costa Rica, UK, Belgium, The Netherlands and Spain.

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Queer Destinations Announces Edgar Weggelaar as New CEO Tue, 07 Mar 2023 09:35:59 +0000 Madrid, Monday, March 6, 2023 Queer Destinations, a global leader in LGBTQ+ tourism, strengthens its management structure by appointing Edgar...

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Madrid, Monday, March 6, 2023

Queer Destinations, a global leader in LGBTQ+ tourism, strengthens its management structure by appointing Edgar Weggelaar as the new CEO of the company. Queer Destinations, which already operates in more than 7 countries, works closely with the Federal Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico and the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of Spain, as well as with companies such as Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Marriott International, Palladium Hotel Group and Meliá Hotels International. The company holds a unique worldwide distinction for companies and service providers (Queer Destinations Committed) that guarantees community travelers a standard of excellence, safety and responsibility. The appointment of the new CEO comes at a key moment for the company, which is in the process of expanding into the North American and Asia-Pacific markets and strengthening its current presence in Latin America and Europe. The project also has as a new partner Juan P. Juliá Blanch, founder and president of Axel Hotels, the global hotel chain focused on LGBTQ+ tourism and who was president of the IGLTA Board of Directors during 2016-2019.
Edgar Weggelaar is an outstanding professional with extensive experience in inbound and outbound tourism, both domestically and internationally. For more than 18 years, he has worked for groups such as TUI BENELUX and Intermed Travel Group, as responsible and director of destinations such as Greece, Turkey and Egypt. He has also served as a key person, member of Board Member and CEO of some of the most important companies of the Julià Group for 10 years: Juliá Travel and Juliá Travel WorldWide. Pioneering examples of global tour operation, distribution and tourism transport with offices in Spain, Andorra, Italy, UK, USA, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Argentina and Australia. He is co-founder and Vice President of the Tourism Innovation Summit (TIS) in Seville, a global event on technology, innovation, diversity and sustainability applied to tourism, where he continues to serve as Strategic Advisor for this and other events organized by Nebext (Next Business Exhibitions).  In addition, Weggelaar holds a degree in Business, Tourism and Recreation from the Erasmushogeschool in Brussels (Belgium) and a PDD (Management Development Program) from IESE and speaks 9 languages.
For Oriol Pàmies, founder and president of Queer Destinations, the addition of Weggelaar to the project is key to continuing to drive the company’s international expansion. “The trajectory, notoriety and experience of Weggelaar, who is also a partner of the company, will mark a before and after in a project that is transforming the tourism industry, promoting diversity and inclusion from education,” he highlighted.
Queer Destinations was founded in 2019 by Oriol Pàmies as the bridge that connects governments, destinations and companies in the tourism sector with the potential of the LGBTQ+ segment. In alliance with the IGLTA (International LGBTQ+ Travel Association), the company works hand in hand with governments (Spain, Mexico, among others…) in order to promote LGBTQ+ tourism strategies at a national level whose basis lies in raising awareness of destinations and companies to give the best attention to the traveler. Through the Queer Destinations Committed Distinction, which today is present in more than 7 countries, more than 15,000 industry professionals have gone through its awareness building process which is supported by the main players in the industry, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Marriott Hotels International, Meliá International, Palladium Hotel Group, Hard Rock Hotels, Hertz, among others. An initiative that is changing the way in which the LGBTQ+ community makes its travel decisions, being able to choose from more and more destinations and companies that are making a demonstrable effort to welcome them according to international standards.

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